Behave! A radical new approach to marketing, communications, and behaviour change.
What's the book about?

Why don’t customers heed the advice from financial firms and save more for their retirement? 

Why don’t patients listen to health professionals and take medication which could save their lives? 

Why do appeals to get people to change their energy consumption fail to have any significant effect? 

Why do teenagers fail to follow the warnings of safety campaigns?

Communication professionals across various sectors often struggle to guide people towards better choices because they lack a clear process for aligning with how people make decisions. This ground-breaking book presents a clear methodology for injecting insight from behavioural psychology into your workflow. Whether you’re at a startup, a large organisation, or a public body this book is an indispensable guide to supporting your audience to make life-enhancing choices.

Research shows that the instinctive reaction to providing customers with information in the hope that this will lead them to act differently is doomed to failure. If you want to influence people, you need to grasp the underlying mechanisms of how people make decisions and know what psychological techniques to apply at the right time.

In this book, behavioural psychologist Paul Davies shares a framework you can build into your everyday business practices. Behave! challenges conventional marketing principles and encourages you to adopt a ‘behaviour-first’ strategy when creating customer communications, products, and experiences.

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer, a visionary entrepreneur, a concerned campaigner, or simply interested in the intersection of psychology and communication, this book is your roadmap to revolutionising engagement with your audience.

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What are people saying?

Wonderfully demonstrates how ‘behavioural interventions’ have the power to help peoplebehave more optimally and rationally.

A cracking, insightful, and enjoyable way to inject psychology into your work.

This book will be tremendously appealing and relevant to all students of design where they’re wanting to know what principles of psychology will make their work more effective.

So easy to read and digest, the humour is great with some proper laugh out loud moments.

Learning the Behaviour Relay was so helpful for our product, design, and marketing teams at ClearScore. We’ve now embedded this new way of thinking into our daily processes.

The Behaviour Relay

Behave! introduces you to a proven process of applying behavioural insight to your projects – The Behaviour Relay.

The Behaviour Relay combines multiple frameworks of behaviour change from research literature into a practical model to evaluate and improve communications, marketing, design, and innovation.

By reading the book, you’ll learn how to easily apply this to every project where you want to support positive behaviour change.

Behaviour Relay track visual showing five stages of decision making.

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